Sunday, November 30, 2008

We help again

Always needed, Always there

As usual, a disaster struck and we reacted. A fierce blaze razed shacks in Alexandra a person lost his life during the inferno, we were alerted of this unfortunate event and we did our best to help the survivors. We helped them with food parcels and clothing. All this is made possible by our donors and volunteers who spend their time and resources in worthy causes. They work tirelessly to alleviate human suffering. We salute them..

Friday, November 21, 2008

We help scholars in need

Always needed, Always there
As usual the SA Red Cross Society Johannesburg, was there for scholars at Cosmo City Junior Primary School. We helped them with Clothing donated by Jet Stores and Woolworths Johannesburg(CBD) and Food parcels that we bought in past few weeks. Our aim was to eradicate poverty within schools , so that scholars are never hungry in schools. As for the clothing, it's towards Christmas and Children must look smart just like others. Some of the scholars are from poor households and with this initiative we restore their confidence.
In general we thank all our donors and volunteers for this noble humanitarian effort

Monday, November 10, 2008

Aide for Denver Flood survivors

Always needed, Always there

As usual we helped the people who lost valuables and house hold items in Denver after freak floods, we were alerted of the disaster and we responded swiftly.We gave them food hampers since most of them had lost groceries due to knee high freak floods. All of our aide is from generous donors, people please help us to help others. A big thank you to all our donors...