Friday, April 24, 2009

Elections, a major success for our First Aiders

Always needed, Always there

The South African Red Cross Society's First Aiders, were positioned at various polling stations in Johannesburg, Diepsloot, Cosmo City and Alexandra. Their sole purpose for being there was to be able to help those who needed first aid while queing to cast their votes. Our First Aiders assisted the sick, frail and senior citizens. With the volunteers in site, headaches, minor injuries where treated on site. As per our norm, we will always be there when needed.

Honouring Lifetime members.

Always needed, Always there

The South African Red Cross Society, Johannesburg, took time to honour its lifetime members. The happy members recieved their name tags.Mr Henry P Jooste, Mr Emmanuel Odumodu and Mr Fredrick Okoli, now have something to show, for their commitment to humanity. The Chairperson of the Johannesburg Branch was delighted to present the tag to Mr Fredrick Okoli who had graced us with his presence at the function.